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9 Simple Ways to Increase Sexual Stamina | Intenza


What is sexual stamina?

Sexual stamina is loosely defined as how long a man can last in bed. While a ‘sub-par’ performance depends on who’s defining it, generally it refers to a man experiencing premature ejaculation, or not being physically able to have the kind of sex he or his partner wants.

Who is affected by poor sexual stamina?

Sadly, many men (and their partners) wish they were able to increase their sexual stamina. Up to 75 percent of men ejaculate within two to five minutes of beginning intercourse, and less than 35 percent of men in one web-based survey felt they had any control over when they climaxed.

How is poor sexual stamina diagnosed?

If a man is concerned about his sex stamina, it’s good to eliminate the possibility of a serious medical condition. Sexual shortcomings aren’t simply a fact of life that comes with age or a lack of physical fitness. If a man doesn’t feel physically well enough for sex, that could be a warning sign. It pays to get a doctor’s opinion if you have serious concerns.

How is poor sexual stamina treated?

Assuming a man is clear on the medical front, the next step is to look at other ways to improve sexual stamina. Eastern teaching has for thousands of years taught sex secrets that allow a man greater sexual control, by separating the physiological processes of orgasm and ejaculation that those in the West regard as inseparable.

Dr. Joel D. Block, quoted in Sex Over 50 says: “Taoist sex manuals devote a lot of space to techniques to prolong intercourse… these techniques have been working for thousands of years.” And the good news is that men in midlife are well positioned to learn how to increase their sexual stamina. Says Dr. Block: “Men in midlife are far more likely to experience multiple orgasms because they have greater control of the ejaculatory process and are able to differentiate between orgasm and ejaculation.”

What can you do at home to increase sexual stamina?

There are physical techniques, as well as medications and herbal supplements like Herbal Ignite for Men, which can boost a man’s sex stamina. By understanding the physical stages of sexual response, and then following physical techniques that raise and lower arousal levels during sex, men can:

  • Gain much greater control
  • Enjoy much greater levels of sexual satisfaction.
  • Last longer in bed.
  • Give their partners much more pleasure.

Men and women are naturally wired differently for sexual arousal. Men usually get excited very quickly, only have one or two non-orgasmic ‘peaks’ and experience a short time between arousal and orgasm. Women usually take longer to become sexually aroused, and often experience several ‘waves’ of higher arousal before the end of their cycle which may, or may not, include orgasm. Because of the differences in these sexual arousal cycles, physical adjustments need to be made if the male partner is to experience satisfactory sexual stamina.

Happy Couple

There is a range of factors which influence sex stamina including:

  • Your mental state.
  • The use of condoms.
  • Sexual position.
  • Thrusting patterns.
  • Breathing and relaxation.
  • Muscular control.
  • Ejaculation-slowing techniques.

1. Increase sex stamina using mindfulness

Whether you’re thinking about having or halting an orgasm, the part of your brain responsible for this is switched on. So ironically, consciously thinking about delaying your orgasm may just end up ‘stoking the fire’. To improve your sexual stamina, try to stop thinking about it. Relax your mind. Focus on your partner, the motion, even sports if it helps! Or try and achieve a neutral state of thought for as long as possible.

In many cases, the stress and anxiety that result from the fear of not having adequate sex stamina may be a big part of the problem. There are a variety of ways to naturally decrease stress and anxiety, including exercise, yoga, prayer or meditation, and a better work-life balance. For some, it may be worth seeing a counsellor or psychologist to discuss advanced options.

Even if anxiety and stress aren’t the main cause of your problems, it can still contribute. So it’s well worth doing something to get it sorted.

2. Condom insulation to boost sexual stamina

Condoms are one of the simplest ways to increase sexual stamina. Not only will the layer of latex reduce sensitivity, but some condoms now contain Benzocaine, a desensitizing lubricant that will typically buy you another five minutes before climax.

3. How sexual position helps you last longer

The sexual positions that create the most friction for women do the same for men. If you’re ejaculating faster than you’d like to, you could try changing sex positions. The best sex positions to last longer in bed are:

  • The missionary (it gives the man more control).
  • Variations on it, like the butterfly.
  • Sex while standing.
  • When she’s on top, the penis receives less stimulation.
  • Any position where the two of you can gaze eye-to-eye and stay in deep communication.

4. How thrusting patterns affect sex stamina

The best lovers understand that sex isn’t just about in and out. And there’s a science to sexual thrusting – men who have tried advanced techniques say it has remarkable results in improving their sexual stamina. By varying thrusting patterns between shallow and deep, you gain more control and stimulate the G-spot area more effectively.

Some of the thrusting patterns taught in Tantric and Taoist traditions include:

  • Eight shallow, two deep.
  • Nine shallow, one deep.
  • Japanese nines.

5. Breathing and relaxation can increase sexual stamina

When men are sexually aroused:

  • Their breathing tends to become fast and shallow. By consciously slowing it, arousal can also be slowed.
  • A man’s body tenses up, hastening orgasm. Conscious relaxation techniques can slow this process.

6. Improve sexual stamina with muscular control

Learning to flex the PC muscle (the pubococcygeus) also known as the ‘love muscle’ through a series of exercises known as Kegel exercises is one of the main tools a man can utilise when discovering how to last longer in bed. This is done at first by starting and stopping urine flow. Once you’ve done this enough times, the muscle becomes stronger and you can repeat the exercise anywhere, any time.

When approaching orgasm, you can squeeze your PC muscle to lower arousal levels and improve your sexual stamina. The more you do this, the better your ejaculatory control will become.

Working the PC muscle can increase sexual pleasure for both men and women. If you practise Kegel exercises for a couple of months you should notice:

  • Your orgasms increase in intensity.
  • You have greater sexual control.

7. Ejaculation-slowing techniques boost sexual stamina

Happy Young Couplw

  • The Big Draw Pull back when ejaculation is imminent, count to nine and resume thrusting with shallow strokes.
  • The Three-Finger Draw This technique uses three curved fingers to apply pressure to the perineum (the area between the anus and the scrotum) at the moment of ejaculatory inevitability.
  • The Art of Brinkmanship (coitus interruptus) Approach stimulation to the point of imminent orgasm, then stop until your arousal level has declined. When you feel yourself approaching ‘the point of no return’, pause and let things subside a little (try 5-10 seconds). Then you can get back to business. When you start approaching that point of no return again, simply repeat the technique.
  • The Squeeze This method is similar to the one above. In this case, however, rather than merely pausing for a few seconds, if you find yourself getting too close to orgasm, withdraw completely. Then squeeze your penis right below the head for 10-20 seconds, focusing pressure on tube along the penis’s underside, the urethra. This will temporarily re-direct some blood flow and delay ejaculation. This technique can be repeated.

8. Practice makes perfect

All of these techniques to last longer in bed take time to learn and practice. Men who have used them successfully suggest practising during masturbation before trying them with a partner.

It’s not reasonable to expect that techniques to increase sexual stamina will work the first time you try them. But the men who have mastered them have no doubt the rewards of learning sexual stamina techniques are worth it.

9. Medications and natural herbal supplements can improve sexual stamina

There are a variety of sexual stamina pills and creams available. They range from your standard ‘snake oil’ solutions to drugs with evidence to back their efficacy. There are also effective natural herbal supplements, like Herbal Ignite for Men, which can help boost your sexual stamina.

The key is to choose carefully and check the ingredients of all sex stamina pills, and their potential side effects, before making any purchases.

One Bottle of Herbal Ignite

Herbal Ignite for Men is an over-the-counter dietary supplement taken daily with food to increase men’s health and libido. Its formulation works to:

  • Support male sexual health.
  • Support testosterone levels.
  • Promote blood flow to the penis.
  • Relieve stress and fatigue.
  • Improve energy levels and confidence.
  • Increase interest in sex or libido.

The three key herbs in Ignite for Men – Tribulus Terrestris, Horny Goat Weed and Avena Sativa – have been used in traditional medicine for centuries to rejuvenate men’s sexual and hormonal health. The herb Tribulus Terrestris, in particular, has also been found to naturally boost testosterone levels and is available in capsule form in herbal supplements like Herbal Ignite.


Tribulus Terrestris lifts testosterone (the key sex hormone in men) levels and improves sexual activity and muscular strength. It also generates male energy, confidence and stamina and men using Herbal Ignite report an improved sense of wellbeing.

While Tribulus Terrestris supports and assists the body’s natural production of testosterone it should be clearly understood that it is not a hormone supplement.

By promoting the production of the body’s own hormones, it works within the body’s natural limits to help men achieve their strength and muscular potential. Tribulus Terrestris will not cause the body to indefinitely produce increasing amounts of testosterone – rather, it balances natural hormone levels.


Horny Goat Weed increases desire and sexual performance. The active ingredients in this herb are PDE-5 inhibitors, which increase blood flow to the penis and help with better erections.


Avena Sativa relieves stress and increases sexual desire. Many men notice a decline in sex drive and sexual strength because of the effects of stress and long working hours; this herb helps counter the effects of our tough modern lifestyle.

Herbal Ignite has been used successfully by thousands of men in New Zealand and Australia to increase testosterone levels and boost libido and sexual satisfaction. It also relieves stress and fatigue and improves energy levels and confidence. It has a potent herbal formula that works over time to help resolve the underlying causes low sex drive in men and, in particular, low testosterone levels that result from aging.

Herbal Ignite is 100% natural and free of unpleasant side effects. It is made in New Zealand to the highest standards, with thorough testing and guarantees of no adulteration or undeclared ingredients.

Disclaimer. This information is provided for general informational purposes only and does not substitute for the advice provided by your medical professional. Always seek specific medical advice for treatment appropriate to you. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed.

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Kason Sage
the authorKason Sage